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The DS-HTT Series subsea Bolt Tensioners are specialized tools designed specifically for subsea applications, where they play a crucial role in securing and maintaining the integrity of underwater structures and equipment. Here is a more detailed expansion of the features and components of these tensioners:

Subsea Suitability

The DS-HTT Series Bolt Tensioners are engineered to function effectively in challenging subsea environments. These conditions can include high water pressures, low temperatures, and limited visibility. The design of these tensioners ensures they can withstand and operate reliably under these conditions.

High Pressure Ratings

These tensioners are capable of accommodating higher pressure rating flanges, making them versatile and suitable for a wide range of subsea equipment and installations. This is essential to maintain the integrity and safety of subsea structures, which often need to withstand significant pressure differentials.

Ergonomic Design

The ergonomic design of the tensioners is a key feature. This design consideration is essential because divers often need to operate these tools under challenging conditions. The ergonomic features make it easier for divers to handle and use the tensioners effectively, even with limited dexterity and in cold water.

Wide Range of Flexibility

The DS-HTT Series tensioners offer a broad range of flexibility in terms of the stud sizes they can accommodate. They are designed to work with stud sizes ranging from 3/4” to 3.1/2” (M-18 to M-85). This adaptability ensures that they can be used across a variety of subsea projects without the need for multiple tool sets.

Two Basic Parts

The tensioners consist of two fundamental components:

Tensioning Unit

This part of the tool is responsible for applying tension to the bolt or stud. It typically includes a hydraulic mechanism that allows precise control of the tension applied to ensure proper fastening and secure connections.

Puller Nut

The puller nut is the component that engages with the stud or bolt to apply tension. It is designed for easy attachment and removal, allowing for efficient and rapid use by divers.

In summary, the DS-HTT Series subsea Bolt Tensioners are specialized tools engineered for use in harsh underwater conditions. Their ability to handle high-pressure applications, ergonomic design for diver usability, and flexibility in accommodating various stud sizes make them essential equipment for subsea construction, maintenance, and repair tasks, where safety, reliability, and precision are paramount.